The Stadium Tour begins within the Armoury Store situated on Hornsey Road and there is access to all levels via a lift.  If you are registered disabled, you qualify for a discount and can bring one Personal Assistant free of charge.  Disabled parking is available for guests with a valid Blue Badge but parking must be pre-booked 72 hours in advance.  T0 discuss accessibility arrangements with a member of the team please call 0207 619 5003.  Further information can be found by going to for frequently asked questions or an accessibility guide – Emirates Stadium Tour and Museum | Accessibility Guides

Registered guide dogs, hearing dogs and medical alert dogs are allowed on the Stadium Tour route and in the Museum.  Please make sure that you bring formal identification for your dog on the day as Arsenal FC do not allow any other dogs or pets.

There are 30 handsets available that are loaded with the British Sign Language Tour and no pre-booking is required.  If the group is 30 or more then contact so they can arrange for additional handsets for the group.